Business Unit Goals

Lead Qualification

Marketing lead qualification is the process of determining whether a potential customer who has expressed interest in a product or service is a good fit and has the potential to become a paying customer.  

At Smart Advise this process is 4 tiered as below: 

Lead Capture: Leads are captured through digital sources using EDM templates, Email Marketing, Web Forms, Digital Clicks & Downloads. 


Initial Screening: Basic criteria are applied to filter out irrelevant or unqualified leads. This may include assessing demographics, industry, budget, and other predefined factors. 


Lead Scoring: A scoring system is used to assign numerical values to leads based on their fit with the ideal customer profile and their level of engagement with the business. This helps prioritize leads for further evaluation. 


Qualification Criteria: A set of specific criteria is established to define a qualified lead. This may include factors such as budget, authority, need, timing, and fit with the product or service.

Lead Nurturing

Marketing lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers who have shown interest in a product or service but are not yet ready to make a purchase.  

At Smart Advise our goal is to help businesses generate more qualified leads, shorten sales cycles, and increase customer retention and lifetime value. Below is a quick snapshot of the process:  

Targeting Need Analysis: Identify the characteristics, needs, pain points, and preferences of your target audience to tailor the nurturing process accordingly. 


Lead Segmentation: Group leads based on specific criteria such as demographics, behavior, interests, or buying stage. This enables personalized and targeted nurturing campaigns. 


Define Nurturing Goals: Determine the desired outcomes of your lead nurturing efforts, such as increasing engagement, educating leads, or moving them closer to making a purchase.  

Measurement and Optimization: Continuously track and analyze the performance of your lead nurturing campaigns by asset, by geo, by titles, by industry and more.

B2B Contact Discovery

Marketing B2B contact discovery is the process of identifying and gathering information about potential business-to-business (B2B) customers who may be interested in a company’s products or services. This process involves researching and collecting data on companies and individuals within those companies who may have a need for the company’s offerings.  

This information can include company size, industry, location, decision-makers’ names and titles, and contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers. 

Our goal for B2B contact discovery is to build a targeted and high-quality database of potential leads that the company’s marketing and sales teams can use to develop and execute targeted marketing campaigns and sales outreach. The process can involve a variety of techniques, such as online research, data mining, and list building, and may involve using third-party tools and services to help automate and streamline the process.  

With Smart Advise effective B2B contact discovery, businesses can improve their sales and marketing effectiveness by identifying and reaching out to the most promising prospects and increasing the efficiency and productivity of their lead generation efforts. 

Data Enrichment

Marketing data enrichment is the process of enhancing and supplementing a company’s existing customer and prospect data with additional information to provide a more comprehensive and detailed view of their target audience. This additional data can include demographic information, firmographics, purchase history, behavioral data, social media profiles, and other relevant attributes. 


At Smart Advise our goal is to improve the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of a company’s customer and prospect data, which generates Multi-Level Data to drive more effective marketing campaigns, better targeted messaging, and more personalized engagement with customers and prospects.  


Multi-Level Data can help businesses to better understand their target audience and their needs, preferences, and behavior, which can ultimately lead to improved customer acquisition, retention, and revenue growth.